Friday, December 21, 2007

Chantix: Day 4 (Dec. 20th, 2007)

Day four, and everything looks to be all right. I was really worried about the 2 pill thing, but I didn't feel any nausea from the second pill. And not much at all from the first pill, either. I think I have this thing under control, which I'm very excited about.

As far as effects, I'm not feeling much at all. My cigarrettes feel lighter, but that's it. I'm a bit worried because I expected to feel something by now. Some adversion, or getting nothing out of my smokes, but I don't feel much different at all. I guess I just have to take this quitting thing on faith that the medicine will help. Is this the way everyone else felt, or did the medicine make smoking very different for you?

I went to the store last night and stocked up my desk with low-cal snacks. I have jello with fruit, gum, hard candies -- I should be set to handle this. I don't want to gain a lot of weight, and I know that snacking is inevitable, so I'm trying my best to substitute with better items. At least I won't be running to the vending machine to get a replacement fix.

I did add a links list to my blog. Again, if you want to be on the list, just drop me a note. I'll check out your blog, leave you a note and post your link. It just might take a few days.

2 more full days to smoke! I feel the trepidation, but I'm still excited!


lynda w said...

This may not be true for everyone, but I've actually lost a couple of pounds. Not only did the Chantix take away my desire to smoke, it also took away the cravings to eat. I thought that was a nice little added bonus.

Try not to stress about Quitting Day too much. My last night of smoking, I dragged a friend with me to the bar at Buffalo Wild Wings so I could drink and smoke one last time. By the time I got home and was smoking my last cigarette, I put it out half way through it because I felt like I was getting absolutely nothing out of it.

Just remember to try and keep from getting stressed or too bored that first week. I think I walked around singing to my iPod enough that my kids have begged me to "song no more".

You can do it - just think of how great you'll smell and how proud of yourself you're going to be!

maggie said...

So glad the nausea isn't worse than feared. Different people also have different experiences on Chantix such as when it is that it really seems to kick in. I gave myself 2 weeks on Chantix, but I quit on Day 13. I wasn't even remotely close on Day 8, the first day of a full dose. I also smoked 20 years, so it made sense that it might take me a little longer. I do believe in having a drop dead quit date, but I do think that for some people it might just be one that's further out. Not at all saying that's you, just saying it doesn't always kick in much at the start for everyone.

You are doing just fine, and there is much to be said for all of your preparation. I really think it helps a lot.

Mz Diva said...

Congratulations on your journey to becomming smoke-free! It has been the BEST thing I have ever done since I quit drugs and alchohol over 20 years ago. This is my last major vice and believe me, I was in no big hurry to give it up! I am glad I finally woke up to the whole insanity of it! Feel free to link to my blog: The more support I can get and give to others the better. I am glad the side effects are good. Mine did not kick in until I was on the drug a good week and now my body has totally adapted to the Chantix. Good luck on your projecte quit day.

Anonymous said...

One effective medicine to induce smoking cessation is Chantix which is extensively available on online pharmacies as well as in the neighboring drug stores. The need is to consult a physician if you are unable to get rid of smoking addiction then obtain Chantix prescription from him. Chantix, the Pfizer manufactured anti-smoking drug has got the approval of the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) on 11 May, 2006 as an anti-smoking treatment in adults and as such the medicine is safe and effective for you.

Anonymous said...

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