I haven't lost any more weight, but I am exercising a lot more, especially with all the house/yard work I've been doing. I am feeling more toned and that's more important to me than weight.
I just signed up for a STRIP CARDIO class at a gym near me! I am so very excited about this -- they do dance, followed by tricks on the poles. I've been wanting to try it for a long time. Me and 2 friends signed up, and our first class is this Thursday!
- I have lost 3.5 pound(s) since I started!
- I am the same weight as last week. (Hey, that's better than gaining!)
- My BMI is: 21.3. This is considered normal.
- I ate out 8 time(s) this weekI ate an average of 2 snack(s) per dayI drank an average of 1 calorie-filled drink(s) per day
- I worked out 9 time(s) this week.I did 1 hour(s) and 45 minutes of cardio this weekI did 0 hour(s) and 10 minutes of strength training this weekI did 3 hour(s) and 40 minutes of brisk activity this week
- I did meet my last goalMy Last Goal Was: Limit to one soda/energy drink per day.My new goal is: Bring my lunch to work 3 times.
Great job! You'll have to let us know how that class goes...
Ok Brandy, I need help putting your template in my blog. Let me know what to do! Yes, I know, I do read for a living but I am not quite getting it! I am feeling kind of remedial today. I think it must be the ADD!
PS: Congrats on the weight loss! You motivated me to get on the scale and that was a HORRIBLE WAKE-UP CALL! I will post it when I get the template!
Tip top stuff, way to go! Keep it going!
Good stuff, and it sounds like a fun class!
Okay Diva, you're using blogger, right? So open a new post. Make sure it's on "Edit HTML" and not "Compose". Paste the code in, and that's it!
Go Brandie Go!!
How do you feel with your successes with your "dieting"?
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